poor little note greatgame anyway
poor little note greatgame anyway
Cmon that looked kinda gay i mean "Im a handy dandy pointer"WTF
1st u didnt put any effort 1 week and a half to put the same small code in each graphic thats just lame what did u do work 5 mins a day even if u did it would have taken a noob 2 days
2nd your last flash for 2007 are u that dumb or something there are another 6 months to 2008 are u lazy or something
3rd it didnt have anything different from the last version so what most of these elements are just copied from your last version
yes this is my last flash for 07 because my speakers have broken and im really can'y get some new ones right now so this was really hard to put together
Newgrounds already has one of these lol we dont need another be more original
lol we man im kinda dissapointed
That took you a couple of months it would take me 3 hours or so jeez having a lot of clothes dosent make the game good and you got it dam right that you aint the best animator.Look the fact that thats your first flash on Ng doesent mean we will go easy on you
next time get some music and make a cunt on her or transparent
clothing anyway dress up games are now boring if the girl doesent
scream mowln or shoot cum from her mouth it just boring and girly to dress a barbie doll learn flash and make some background variaty and maybe like differnet skin colour im sorry for givving you a 0 and a 3 but that what you deserve soz now in the future you may want to move from dress up games to platformars or action games and i guarantee that will make a better game.
I'm very aware that people are not going to take it easy on me and thats ok. As long as they give me a good and constructive comment.
I suppose you believe that every dress up game is supposed to involve sex or sexual innuendo. I'm sorry, but I'm not that kind of girl. As for the skin color, this is my character and I'm sorry to say that she doesn't change colors...
moi 4ovek
poneje sme bulgari ti davam deset ot deset i pet ot pet taka i shte napravq s drugite ti flashove
1.Lol thats so easy to cheat on
2.Lol it has no end
3.Lol this only proves that your good with fireworks not flash
4.Lol i dont give good grades to flashes that i know that ppl didnt put a lot more effort in then im putting in this review
THAT took you 2 weeks dude it would take a rookie 5 minutes
Awsome but
you forgot one vital character that needs to be in the second version Madness
you could try more fowl language
I enjoy things, and sometimes stuff.
Age 32, Male
Graphic design
Joined on 4/29/07