You may or may not know about the video game history series called TakeTwo that is also being posted on NewGrounds, so if you don't in short its a two minute series about VG history that gets a new episode every week on Wednesday.I ask you the people what would you want to see?
I am not talking about suggestions on improving the series, but of course those are welcome too.I am talking about suggestions for episode themes, since a lot of the negative feedback I got was that people already knew the things episodes talked about, so what would YOU like to hear about?Any suggestion is accepted and appreciated, just post a comment here or send me a PM.
seems a bit too school special tv.
the closest thing i can think of to what you are doing are the retrospectives on
just dont thing flash is meant for this sort of thing, try after effects.
but with all that said people like it when things fail so why not special of those consoles that didnt make it.